Monday, July 5, 2010

That's MY KING

Watching the video "That's my King" stirs something inside me, My King is the most amazing thing. My Lord, My King loved me so deeply that he endured all of that, for ME. One of the most amazing things that happens to anyone who is a Christian, there comes a point in their walk when Jesus Himself will tell you that even if you were the only one, He still would have done it. When the Creator of the universe tells you that he did it for you, when he makes it personal like that, how can you not fall down upon your face awe of Him.
When we realize it, when it reaches your heart and grabs your soul, our natural response is to say, "where ever Lord, I will follow you wherever you lead." Living for self is so empty, living for Him is the fullfillment of all we were created for. He deserves all glory, worship, love, honor, and praise. He is above all, not because we put him there, because he is already there and all we have to do is look up.

...but God shows His love for us that while we were sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

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